
I am flattered that some feel my creative writing is entertaining enough to want to share with others. These stories, however, are a labor of love and are ever evolving. Direct copying of any of these stories would not be flattering at all. If you would like to share with others you may copy a portion of a story and then link to the original here. Thank you for understanding.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Snabblescrew's Storytime

Snabblescrew is running a D&D game. No really. Okay, it's not called D&D (it's actually called S&S and now for Sword and Sorcery either), but it's a "tabletop" RPG that our CHARACTERS play in. I'm going to try and keep up on a synopsis of each game I run... which so far is none as the first game hasn't started yet. But here is the original sign up post that contains the "rules".

I have room for FIVE characters, but I will be running this again in the future... so fear not if you don't make the sign up. If you DO sign up, you need to be able to make to make the designated day and be willing to take your turn posting a synopsis here on the forums. Synopsis just being your IN CHARACTER recounting of what happened to your CHARACTER'S CHARACTER.

To be clear, if you sign up, you're signing up one of your TOONS to play a game of "pen and paper role play". For example, I would not be RPing.... KARNIG, or KAIKURA, would be making a character to role play. So I would be role playing Karnig who is role playing a... cat or something.

To make this simple I will be doing all the math (you still get to /roll) so that everyone can focus on the role playing. If you're a number cruncher or rules lawyer, this is NOT the game for you. Focus is on story telling... if you can think of a creative way to do something, you'll get a bonus to your roll. You won't know how big your bonus is, you'll only know if you succeeded for failed. In the case of social challenges you won't even know that for certain (in fact, if you fail a, say, "sense motive" you might be TOLD you succeeded!).

Pick a class and choose your primary, and secondary "stat" and one word to describe your archtype.

Class is based on Warcraft classes. Warrior, Mage, Warlock, etc.

Stats: Social, Stealth, Physical and Arcane. You pick two... you can still roll on the other two, but you'll get bonuses to the two you pick (larger bonus to the primary than the secondary).

Archtypes can be whatever you like... as long as it describes your character's personality. The Ditsy One. The Smart One. The Athletic One. That sort of deal. No Archtype can be duplicated.


Feb 15th, Feb 22nd, March 1st (more to come if the session calls for it).

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