
I am flattered that some feel my creative writing is entertaining enough to want to share with others. These stories, however, are a labor of love and are ever evolving. Direct copying of any of these stories would not be flattering at all. If you would like to share with others you may copy a portion of a story and then link to the original here. Thank you for understanding.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Advice: Copulation Confliction

Dear Threetoes,

I fancy myself a tolerant...uh..."bipedal being". My fellow community of bipedal beings and I have permitted the experience of a great many unjust sufferings, especially within my own considerable span of existence. Throughout my own considerable span of existence I have always strove to designate my consanguinity as primary importance, my community of bipedal beings secondary, and the endeavor of this marvelously magnanimous Alliance tertiary; leaving the matters of other "beings" a quaternary care, burden or disturbance as the case my be.

Throughout the duration of my calling and employment I have suffered the expiration of kin, the genocide of my lineage, the extinguishment of progeny, save one, as well as suffered the devastation of my own aspirations and witnessed the ambition and confidence of my community of bipedal beings shattered. Loathed to do much else, I relinquished my state of responsibility and withdrew for a span.

Recently, my spirit of compatriotism has been revitalized, and I have rejoined my community and fellow bipedal beings to suffer with them once more for as many days as I have left to wander this terrestrial existence. Which brings us to my contention.

I have recently discovered that a close and trusted "affiliate" has been engaged in a now long standing platonic relationship with a member of ...shall we say..."the common adversary". This "affiliate" has attempted to bolster my confidence and assert the innocence of this relation, and is confident "they" are breaking no laws...yet still petitions that I assist in guarding this secret.

I am greatly conflicted.

On the one hand I have every confidence in my "ally" and the wisdom of "their" decisions. I must, for if I don't then I can not truly call them an "ally". I also endeavor in the utmost to exist in the present, as dwelling in the memories of what has already traspired will do me no good, can drastically shorten one's life span and greatly diminish quality of life. On the other hand, my sense of duty requires that I advise my superior's superiors, making them aware of this relation in the event there is a possible conflict of interest, and to prevent a possibly embarrassing, debilitating and dangerous public debacle. Personally, an inveterate animosity has reinvigorated. This "being", while 'claiming' to have been (and still be) a member of a powerful-neutral organization...the nature of his "reemergence" (and therefore ultimate allegiance, I believe) is due to one of the very organizations that is directly responsible for so much pain, suffering and abominable atrocities my community of bipedal beings have endured during this war; to include my own.

If I express the truth and dispose my position, therefore doing what I feel is correct and just in the interests of my community and our Alliance, I risk ostracism and possible demonization by those I would call friends. If I put my trust in my friends, I risk my very life as well as supporting an entity I am morally obligated to despise...if only for what he represents.

Please help me.

Conflicted in Elwynn.

Dear Conflicted,

Did your mama spoon feed you a dictionary or something?

Let me see if I can translate... Your boss is boinkin' someone from the wrong side of the war and you don't know if you should rat him out or trust that thinking with his weiner ISN'T going to get you all in trouble?

Well, in a case like this you have to look out for number one, and I don't mean your boss's boss. You think the rest of your "organization" is going to flip you the bird if you rat out the one guy sleeping with the enemy? Then, frankly, you don't have friends... just some folks'll judge you and easily toss you aside.

Your bro will either come around or he won't, but you can't make yourself responsible for his "dipping his toe in the pond", if you know what I mean. Speak your mind... do it without apology... and own it. Worst that happens is he tries to kill. Best case he wises up and sees you as a shining pillar of righteous goodness and grovels at your feet begging to kiss your toes. Neither is all that likely, so stop being afraid and stiffen that spine!

You can always make new friends... making new life doesn't have the same kind of meaning.

Harmin "Threetoes" Wildhammer

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