
I am flattered that some feel my creative writing is entertaining enough to want to share with others. These stories, however, are a labor of love and are ever evolving. Direct copying of any of these stories would not be flattering at all. If you would like to share with others you may copy a portion of a story and then link to the original here. Thank you for understanding.

Saturday, April 14, 2012


This is a fun organization that a few new friends and I came up with in the wee hours of the morning. It takes place on Cenarion Circle!

Gnomeregan Unusually Elite Secret Service

((OOC Any Gnome may claim to be a member of GUESS, since it's members are Elite Special Agents, and so secret, that some of them are not even known to the founders of the organization!
Credit to the Gnomes of Esoteric Darkshire Cabal and Tales of Eirnin for coming up with this hilarity.))

We want YOU! Come and joined the Gnomeregan Unusually Elite Secret Service, see the world as you've never seen it before! (Non-gnomes need not apply).

What do we do exactly? I can't tell you that, because then I'd have to slap you with a gag order and we haven't worked out the kinks on that product yet... don't worry, our last test subject will probably recover. We do hold meetings though, I can tell you that much, to discuss our agenda and any future events.

The next meeting will be held Saturday the 28th of April in Tinkertown, Ironforge, at 8:30pm (server). On the agenda is discussing our uniform and membership requirements. We will also be discussing whether Agents of G.U.E.S.S. will be known as Super Secret Agents, or Very Special Agents. This is important, ground breaking, stuff here. ((Send in-game mail to Cogsprockett for a calendar invite to the event))

Please remember that your guild affiliations have nothing to do with your ability to become a G.U.E.S.S. agent. G.U.E.S.S. would like to have eyes and ears within all the guilds throughout Azeroth, all the better to accomplish our super secret agenda.

(( Any Gnome can claim membership to the organization since it's so secret many
of it's members are not known to the leaders of the group. It's NOT a guild, so
anyone can join regardless of the guild. Now and again a call will go out on the
G.U.E.S.S. radio for a "Flash Mob" of Gnomes to appear and participate in a
random event. Aside from the meetings and the "Flash Mobs" the organization is
really just bragging rights and a cool badge. ))

(( I STRONGLY ENCOURAGE GNOMES OF OTHER SERVERS TO ORGANIZE!! Talk to me if you need some ideas for events surrounding G.U.E.S.S. on your own server! ))

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