
I am flattered that some feel my creative writing is entertaining enough to want to share with others. These stories, however, are a labor of love and are ever evolving. Direct copying of any of these stories would not be flattering at all. If you would like to share with others you may copy a portion of a story and then link to the original here. Thank you for understanding.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Advice: Lust, Love and Lawlessness

Dear Threetoes,
I'm at a loss... I am very much enjoying the company of a man who has expressed a romantic interest in return. Unfortunately there seems to be a disparity between our views on justice. Recently I was subject to several attacks by a deranged worgen who wished to "possess" me, lucky for me my potential beau was able to help me capture the brute.

This is where things get tricky. I wished to take the incapacited and unconcious villian to the authorities, but my friend wished to kill the criminal in his sleep! I could never condone the slaughter of a helpless person, despite the crimes committed against me by the individual. I expected to see him sent to prison for the rest of his life after a fair trial. Our society (that of the collective Alliance, not just any one particular race) depends on a stable justice system and I intended to support it.

I left my friend and the prisoner with the intention of meeting them in Stormwind to give my account of the attacks. It wasn't until later that I learned that my attacker was killed, in cold blood, by my fellow and his friend.

Needless to say, I was crushed (though, I admit with some guilt that I felt a great deal of relief and vindication) that I was deceived like this!

Threetoes, what should I do? Should I just get over it and pursue love? Or should I stand on my moral high ground and tell him to stuff it?

Sincerely, Lost in Love

Dear Lost,
that's some pretty deep stuff there. Is there a reward for your friend's ca... no wait, that's in poor taste.

A moral mis-alignment between friends can fester until it warps and poisons the individuals. You would be harboring your resentment and he would feel it regardless of your best efforts. No, it's best you clear the air between you.

Either you need to commit a crime of your own with similar moral implications, or he needs to condone himself in your eyes. I imagine that would mean him admitting he made a mistake and working for restitution. Thing is, if you push for the latter, you're sunk anyway.

Why not spend some time apart and see how long you can stand it. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, I hear.

Harmin "Threetoes" Wildhammer

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