
I am flattered that some feel my creative writing is entertaining enough to want to share with others. These stories, however, are a labor of love and are ever evolving. Direct copying of any of these stories would not be flattering at all. If you would like to share with others you may copy a portion of a story and then link to the original here. Thank you for understanding.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Journey: Morality

Years ago I came face to face with evil. I don't mean something like Deathwing or an Old God, a humanoid that was consumed with darkness and did dark things. I became his obsession and he harmed me, wounded my body and my mind, for his pleasure. I write this now because he is dead, long after tracking me and capturing me, only to release me, over and again all because of his sickness.

As bad as the trauma was, I struggle now with worse. My arms and back have healed, I bear scars but they do no hamper my travels. The scars on my heart and soul have begun to heal and I know that eventually I would adapt and overcome. Nightmares fade.

But now he's dead and the manner of his death troubles me. "Lord Eric" it turns out his name was and with the help if Isiravos and Snelly he was captured and questioned. He was incapacitated. The men called for blood and while a part of me screamed that they were right and he should be slaughtered... I knew that order and law must be upheld. I said as much, that ours and the human's societies were what they are because criminals were granted a fair trial. I argued and, I had thought, convinced them both. I agreed to meet them in Stormwind to give my account of "Lord Eric's" actions... only, they never arrived.

Isiravos came for me and told me that he had taken the man's life. He killed in cold blood. For me. My heart is torn. To stick by my moral guns I should turn Isiravos in to the authorities and let them try him for his own crimes. But I've only just found him and don't wish to lose him to a human prison! And yet, every time I look at him now all I can bring to mind is "Lord Eric's" face. I feel the pain, relived, in my arms and back every time I look on the man with whom I thought I could spend the rest of my life.

Isiravos doesn't understand, he repeats again and again that "Lord Eric" deserved his fate and that what was done was done justly. I decided to help distract myself by taking some more work for Darkshire, my attacker was gone, Isiravos had no reason to continue to keep me confined to the Tavern.

It was when I was delivering some wolf meat to the Tavern that I overheard Snelly sharing details of the murder with two others, in earshot of the Barkeep, the Innkeeper, the Cook, several patrons... including the very talkative Farrin Daris! I was appalled! I spoke before I thought and chastised Snelly for his indiscretion, only to find a Worgen named Miragule breathing down at me.

I'll admit my weakness, every moment of my torture at the hands of Eric-as-a-Worgen came flooding back to me and I became faint. I cowered and cried and was unable to do anything but try and escape. Of the exchange itself I remember very little, but I recall a rough spoken human woman forcing me to swear my secrecy and that I would not go to the authorities regarding the murder.

Finally I was able to escape; I vaguely recall that Isiravos showed up before I gave my coerced word. Later I learned the Worgen wished to protect his daughter from any fallout, not that he found murder reprehensible. He had issue only with the fact that the murder was committed so close to potential witnesses and within their "home" where his daughter might be affected.

All of this because one criminal was not given the trial he was entitled to. Can he not SEE that his actions have caused far more harm than can possibly be justified for the momentary "buzz" one might get from wreaking vengeance?

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