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Sunday, April 22, 2012

Advice: Morality Malady

I ain't one much to seek out advice from anyone, quite frankly I don't need anyone telling me my buisness. But there are somethings I havent a clue about. One of them is being a father. Recently I adopted a little one as my daughter, she crept her way into..well what used to be my heart. Being a Death Knight changes you, you know? Anyways, the girl, my girl, I want to to bring up right.

I got many problem and many 'friends' that aint the type a little girl should be seeing or hanging around. I also don't want to seem hypocritical when I tell her to do the right thing, then I be doing the same later. I can't help who I am but I am wanting to do the right thing for my daughter.

I'm finding myself holding back on many things I want to do, like breed with a goregeous female or knock some ones teeth in when they are p!sssing me off. Thats not to say I haven't done these things when she ain't looking but I find it hard to look her in the eye and tell her no when I know myself I been doing the something wrong only minutes ago.

I cant help who I am, but I want whats best for my girl. Any advice, I'm all ears, but dont be thinking I need it. Only want to hear it from another side.

Death Knight Daddy in Darkshire.

Dear Daddy,
Your daughter wants to "breed" with gorgeous females? Can I watch? Wait, is she legal? no, scratch that, don't need to be hunted by some crazed death knight.

My papa always said, "be the man your dog thinks you are" or something like that. But it's good advice. The two of you are going to change each other, it's inevitable. So why don't you jump the gun and start to ACT instead of REACT.

There are naturally things parents do that they don't allow their children to do, even if they are perfectly responsible dwarven lads who would totally be careful not to overwork the ram think they are capable of performing adult tasks. The trick is to learn a balance and to include your child in making the rules. Remember you have to be the parent before you can be her friend.

Now, there's nothing wrong with having sex or punching teeth in as long as you don't get cau, under the right circumstances. Teach your girl to know the difference between having sex for pleasure and having sex for making a family. Teach your girl to punch in teeth when the Patroller isn't looking and to take a moment to be sure the bloke isn't choking on his teeth. There's a mighty big divide between knocking heads around and killing a man.

Harmin "Threetoes" Wildhammer

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